I think I'll leave the pictures to do the talking as they more than do the experience justice. If I add more words, there is a danger I might be embarrassingly gushing. Suffice to say that the lighting and ambience, the glassware, the service and the food more than lived up to the hype and I happily parted with £90 at the end of the evening.
Clear bloody Mary with homemade essence of tomato (£13.50)
Slightly murky due to tabasco and worcester sauce additions
Fillet medallions rossini, served with seared fois gras, fois gras
crouton, truffle gravy (not yet poured) and spinach (£28.50)
Pressed roasted belly of suckling pork with red cabbage
and truffle gravy (£22.25)
Lobster burger with marie rose sauce (£27.75)
Lobster mac & cheese (£6.50)
Sides of fries, tomato salad, parsnips & carrots (£4.50 each)
3 bird burger lurking in the background (£21.50)
Eton mess en perle (£8.25)
Striped strawberries and cream soufflé (£6.25)
Warm chocolate fondant with pistachio ice cream (£8.25)
Trio of brulées, chocolate, passionfruit and earl gray tea (£7.50)
Now, I'm not usually crazy about desserts but each one of these was magnificant, and I also wanted to try the rice pudding brulée and the signature chocolate sundae dessert. It's rare that I'm so torn when it comes to deciding what to have, but at BBR, everything is done so perfectly that it's a real dilema.
Bob Bob Ricard
1 Upper James St

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