Anyway, it was a brilliant meal with some of the loveliest service I can remember encountering for a long while. At the end of the meal we drank grappa with the team and signed up to return a little over a week later for a wine pairing night.
Highlights of the first meal for me were their signature buttermilk chicken (£6.50), obvs, and the pillowyest gnocchi I've ever eaten, served with prawns, mussels and pink radicchio (£7.50). Dreamy stuff.
On the night of the Tutto Wines dinner, things were a bit more lively. 5 courses each paired with a wine match from Tutto Wines for £60 a head. Really great value.
Most memorable dish of the night by a million miles for me was the Roast Somerset Kid with Tokyo turnips, January king cabbage and anchovy. Loved every element of it down to the crunchy garnish. Divine.
Special mention also goes to the salt baked halibut with monks beard and oyster olive oil. The evening also marked the occasion of my first experience with horse salami. Very intense.
Anyway, I adored the place. And I'm kicking myself that I only recently made it there having been meaning to for ages. The Clove Club was one of my favourite lunches of 2013 so I really ought to have known better. I just hope I can find somewhere vaguely similar in Montreal but I fear I won't. They're also responsible for one of the nicest desserts I've had recently, the rhubard, buttermilk mousse with milk crisps and almonds (£7). Chef Giorgio Ravelli is doing the Young Turks proud.
Upstairs at the Ten Bells
84 Commercial St

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