This weekend I met Noy at Oxford Circus for a spot of Christmas Party dress shopping!
2pm on a Saturday + Oxford Circus + less than 20 shopping days until Christmas = MADNESS.
There were Morris Dancers, a brass band of Santa’s, a live band performing on a makeshift stage covered in ‘Australia’ (Baz Luhrmann’s latest release) merchandise, clowns, men on stilts, Bob the Builder, Break dancers and many other horrors. I welcome the meagre attempt to pedestrianise Oxford Street in the run up to Christmas but whose idea was it to instead fill the road with these idiots?! Also, officials were yelling through megaphones when anyone actually dared to step foot on the road! Ridiculous. Serves us right I suppose.
Anyway, the mission was accomplished despite all of this, 2 dresses were purchased, for Noy the brief was ‘License To Thrill’ and for me anything goes really, it not mattering what I wear due to the dire standard of venue selected for my work Christmas party, Verve, St Martin’s Lane. Oh dear.
On the plus side I did buy a much needed set of weighing scales and a plastic spatula, baking necessities courtesy of John Lewis where there were tastings available, the highlights being smoked salmon and sausages.
Yours sincerely,
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