My boyfriend, having lived in Australia whilst studying, assures me that the standards of food there are above and beyond anything that I could expect to be served in the UK.
Prior to this information the only representation of Australian cookery I had seen was Bill Grainger’s TV show! To be honest I thought that his series was slightly too good to be true presenting the viewers with an enviable lifestyle with a home on the beach, a beautiful wife, 2 perfect children and a diet that looks so incredibly delectable that it is a wonder they are not all clinically obese.
So, when I stumbled upon Scrambling Eggs (owner Shelagh's blog) I knew instantly upon seeing this picture

that a visit to Lantana was in order, to sample London’s very own slice of aussie eating. An Australian friend was equally keen having relocated to Paris and been unable to source a decent coffee ever since. Lantana use Monmouth coffee and I have to say, it’s the best latte I’ve had since my summer visit to Italy.
Upon arrival we were disappointed to see a full house but were promised it should not be too long a wait, this turned out to be true thanks to the nice chap who offered to share his table with us as he was eating alone.
As for the food, I opted for the beans (with crumbled feta), sausages, spinach and poached egg with sourdough bread. I had such huge expectations and was not disappointed. Nibs went for the eggs on toast with sausages and freshly squeezed orange juice. I was surprised to be impressed the most by the baked beans. They were worlds away from Heinz and so delightfully tomatoey with a slight bite, as beans should have, I think this is a quality they lose when stored in a tin. The Hummingbird cake that I took home for my boyfriend was literally one of the best things I have ever tasted (it was a present honestly!) I think I’ll have a go at making my own next weekend.
The service is efficient and friendly in a casual kind of a way. Something which was not appreciated in one review I’ve read but I found it charming, however (and it pains me to say this) the very nice chap sharing our table was still waiting for his food long after we had finished, despite having ordered at the same time and he was served a latte that he had not asked for. His order had been lost and so his breakfast was free of charge but clearly there are still some issues that need to be smoothed out.
I witnessed a customer eagerly scribbling in a notebook and I believe (whoever they may be) that the words will be complimentary. These neighbours were unable to clear their plates and I think that all the essentials are there to make Lantana a huge success. I shall eagerly be returning with Antipodeans and am sure even they with their higher standards will not be complaining!

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